Pet Wellness in Bixby, OK

Ensure your pet’s health and happiness with the comprehensive wellness exams we offer at Southside Veterinary Clinic.

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Pet Examinations

At Southside Veterinary Clinic, we believe annual wellness care is imperative to keeping your pet happy and healthy! Your pet’s health is important and preventive care is necessary. We recommend wellness exams, keeping your pets on a vaccination schedule, and working with us on all facets of wellness care.

Your veterinarian will fully examine your pet during your annual physical exam and discuss vaccinations and ongoing wellness. Just like you do wellness visits with your doctor, it’s important that your pet does the same. During these visits, our team will spend time examining your pet from nose to tail. In addition, we will work with you to create the perfect ongoing wellness plan, from vaccine schedules to nutritional or behavioral recommendations to annual bloodwork; we want to form a team with you to support your pet’s health.

Puppy and Kitten Care

Bringing home a new puppy or kitten is an exciting time for your family. Southside Veterinary Clinic’s veterinarians can help you start your new puppy or kitten off right.


Our vets recommend that you set up your pet’s first visit with us soon after adoption. It’s important to get your new pet set up with a good parasite and vaccination program as well as a thorough examination to assure your puppy or kitten is healthy and prepared to stay that way.


Starting puppy and kitten vaccinations and keeping them on a schedule is critical to protecting their fragile systems from the most common diseases.


Puppies and kittens eat or sniff at many things that can carry the eggs for internal parasites. Therefore, checking yearly for intestinal worms and administering necessary treatments is an important means for assuring your puppy or kitten will absorb nutrients and grow from the food you provide.


Our vets usually recommend spaying or neutering at six months of age to prevent unwanted pregnancies and reduce the risk of other health problems. There are, of course, exceptions to that rule, and our veterinarians will have an open discussion with you to decide on the best time to spay your neuter your particular dog or cat.

We will work with you to ensure your pet’s health through their formative years and into adulthood. Schedule your puppy or kitten’s first exam with us today!

Senior Pet Care

Did you know that pets are considered senior at seven years old? The needs of dogs and cats change as they grow older. We understand these changes and will cater to your dog or cat’s health plan to meet their needs. With the increased risk of different health issues, our vets recommend that senior pets have physical exams every six months. Blood work should continue to be checked once a year, and regular teeth cleanings should continue. Your vet will watch for changes in behaviors you are seeing at home and will be mindful of possible disease processes.

Pet Parasite Prevention

Parasites are more than just a nuisance; they can cause serious illness to your pet and affect your family and pet’s quality of life.


Fleas and ticks are the most common parasites you as a pet owner will see, but we know that these pesky creatures can cause a mountain of issues within your pet. Fleas are a top cause of dermatitis-related issues with dogs and cats. Some pets become so irritated that they cause self-inflicted lesions. A flea infestation can quickly make your pet become anemic. When ingested, fleas can infest your pet’s intestinal tract with internal parasites (tapeworms). Fleas can also transmit Bartonella, the bacteria that causes “cat-scratch fever” in humans.

Ticks transmit and spread many tick-borne diseases such as Lyme Disease, Anaplasmosis, and Ehrlichia. Lyme Disease can cause a variety of spin-off issues such as lameness, lethargy, kidney issues, and joint swelling.


Heartworms are a worm that lives in your pet’s heart and lungs, causing damage to major internal organs. Heartworm disease is 100% preventable by giving your pet a monthly heartworm prevention chew. Heartworms are treatable, but the cost of treatment can be expensive, overwhelming, and painful for your pet. However, you can treat your pet with monthly prevention for almost 10 years for the cost of treating your pet for heartworm infestation one time.


There are various internal parasites that your pet can contract from other infected pets or consuming things in the yard or community or drinking water. Some pets will be outwardly symptom-free but can have multiple internal parasites affecting their system. These internal parasites can be diagnosed by a fecal screening and an appropriate deworming schedule. It is recommended to perform a fecal screen every 6 to 12 months, depending on your pet’s lifestyle.

Pet Health Certificates

Our veterinarians will issue pet health certificates that enable your pet to travel with you safely. We can assist you with both domestic and international travel. When traveling with your pet(s), animal health requirements may be specific to that destination. As soon as you know your travel details, contact your local veterinarian to assist with the pet travel process. Factors to consider may include meeting time frames for obtaining a health certificate, updating vaccinations, diagnostic testing, or administration of medications/ treatments.

Please contact us today to learn more about the best practices when traveling with your pet.